Saturday, August 15, 2009

When I'm Not Running...

I have been trying to stay busy while Nick is gone by taking on a few projects around the house.

This project started innocently. A few cans of leftover paint from various projects around the house.

A few creative children with a playhouse painting plan.
Painting Plan: paint 3 walls solid colors, 1 wall for murals, then "splatter" the solid walls.
Did someone say splatter?

What is proper etiquette with regard to the laundry of children you invited over and participated in a full-on paint fight with? Tide? Replacement clothing? What if said children were provided paint smocks, however, said paint smocks failed?
Hosing them off seemed like the best option. Notice the clean child in the foreground. She opted out once the paint started flinging.
Smart girl. The others should have followed.
Hmmm, Tinkerbell looks like she has war paint on....rumor has it she actually started the paint fight. But that's just a rumor.


  1. HOLY COW!
    HA, the fact that you said you "ended up with a bunch of kids" is a understatement.
    Fun fun fun

  2. Looks like fun!

    Just checking back to see if you had written up a half marathon post yet. : )

  3. Thanks just the kick in the tush I needed!

  4. Your blog is fantastic! Thanks for the many smiles I just had reading through, and again, you are my hero for taking on this incredible sport! --Kathy B
